Latest Additions
The Orchids of New South Wales by H.M.R.Rupp, 1943 first edition
A Book About Beer By A Drinker, signed,1934
Whispering Wind by Syd Kyle-Little,first edition, 1957
Prospecting for Gold By Ion Idriess, 1933, with dust-wrapper
Black Opal by Kathleen Lloyd, 1967, signed
Forfeit by Dick Francis, signed and dedicated by the author,1968
Wentworth's Account of New South Wales,1820,rare
Parasols and Pistols by Edgar Penzig, signed, limited edition.
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt
Forest Trees of Australia by D.J. Boland et al, new edition
Lachlan Macquarie Some Aspects of His Life by M.H.Ellis,signed
Pictures of the Battlefields of Anzac by Phillip Schuler, first edition
The Books of The Bulletin 1880-1952 Mackaness and Stone first edition
To the Inland Sea by Edward Stokes, signed and dedicated
The World of Olegas Truchanas by Max Angus second edition
The Tree of Man by Patrick White, first edition
Ploughman and Poet by David Rowbotham signed and dedicated
First Fleet Families of Australia By CJ Smee first edition
Jo Bertini Fieldwork with essay by Prue Gibson signed by Bertini first edition
Aboriginal Fisheries of the Darling-Barwon Rivers by Peter Dargin, first edition