Latest Additions
Hunting and Stalking the Deer by Edwards and Wallace, rare dust-wrapper
Whispering Wind by Syd Kyle-Little,first edition, 1957
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence, 1935 edition
Wentworth's Account of New South Wales,1820,rare
Parasols and Pistols by Edgar Penzig, signed, limited edition.
Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia by Charles Sturt
The Crescent and the Cross by Eliot Warburton, 1858
Judith from the revised Version of the Apocrypha,1928, limited edition
Lachlan Macquarie Some Aspects of His Life by M.H.Ellis,signed
Pictures of the Battlefields of Anzac by Phillip Schuler, first edition
The Books of The Bulletin 1880-1952 Mackaness and Stone first edition
To the Inland Sea by Edward Stokes, signed and dedicated
First Fleet Families of Australia By CJ Smee first edition
Plato Republic and five others Folio Society A Classical Six Pack
Our English Lakes Mountains and Waterfalls Wordsworth. First edition
How to Research and Honour Our Returned War Heroes by Burrett, signed
Visions of Mowanjum, first edition, hard-cover
The New South Wales Business Man's Compendium by W. Hemingway, first edition
State Socialism in Victoria by F.W.Eggleston, first edition
Hokusai Beyond the Great Wave edited by Timothy Clark, first edition