Latest Additions
Pictures of the Battlefields of Anzac by Phillip Schuler, first edition
The Sword of Welleran by Lord Dunsany,illustrations by S.H.Sime, first edition
The Adventures of Tin Tin Flight 714 First Edition
Our English Lakes Mountains and Waterfalls Wordsworth. First edition
The Darkening Ecliptic, poems by "Ern Malley", paintings by SidneyNolan, first e
Dingo King by Ivan Smith, illustrated and signed by Clifton Pugh
Hokusai Beyond the Great Wave edited by Timothy Clark, first edition
Burma by R. Talbot-Kelly, first edition
The Voice of the Bush by Harold C.Johnston, second impression, 1944
Leaves from a Missionary's Notebook by Stephen Tennant, first edition, 1929
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, illustrated, 1957
The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope, illustrated by Beardsley, first edition
The Story of Patsy by Kate Wiggin, signed
Curiosities of Entomology, first edition
Stories of the Streets of London by H. Barton Baker, first edition, 1899
Pop by Rayner, Chamberlain and Stapleton, first edition
Revolt in the Desert by T.E.Lawrence, first edition
The Poultry Book edited by Wingfield and Johnson, first edition, 1853
The Raj, Folio Society,
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Folio Society