Latest Additions
Prospecting for Gold By Ion Idriess, 1933, with dust-wrapper
The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid by Oliver Byrne,ED1,1847
Lysaght's Referee, Centenary Edition, 1957
A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, first edition
British Fresh-Water Fishes by William Broughton, first edition, two volumes
The Geology of Sydney and the Blue Mountains by Curran, 1899
The Orchids of Victoria by Gary Backhouse and Jeffrey Jeanes, second edition
Illustrations of New South Wales Plants by J.H.Maiden,parts I-III, first edition
Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia by G. Bennett, first edition
The Theory of Colour and its Relation to Art by Von Bezold, first edition,1876
The Native Flowers of New Zealand by Mrs C. Hetley, 1888
A History of British Butterflies, Morris, 1870
Birds of Australia, lithographs by John Gould, 2 vols.
Gold, Mineral & Gemstone Localities of New South Wales edit. Hannan
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals Charles Darwin, Folio Society
The Student's Handbook to the Microscope by A. Queckett Club-Man, 1887
Gold Refining by George Gajda. First edition.
The Hand-Maid to the Arts, Vol. 2 by Robert Dossie, 1764
What is Life? by Erwin Schrodinger,1945