Latest Additions
The Poultry Book edited by Wingfield and Johnson, first edition, 1853
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, Folio Society
The Raj, Folio Society,
India by John Keay, Folio Society
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Folio Society
Humming Birds by H.G. Adams, first edition, 1856
The Magic Horse retold by L. Housman, drawings by E. Dulac
Braque Lithographe, Preface de Francis Ponge, number 2929, limited edition
Sweet Bird of Youth by Tenenessee Williams, first edition
The Wallypug of Why By GE Farrow, c. 1896
Wanderings in Patagonia by Julius Beerbohm, 1881
The Book of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney by Ven. S.M. Johnstone
The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton, illustrations by Arthur Rackham
Lord Jim by Conrad, first edition, first issue
The City Park by Lothar Meggendorfer, a stand-up book
Optical Art by Rene Parola, first edition
Tom Brown's School-Days, first Macmillan edition, 1896
Eucalypts of Western Australia by C.A. Gardner
First Fleet Artist by Linda Groom, first edition
A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, first edition